Main VEC

VEC-Vrontados Energy Community

by NeuroSynthesis

Vrontados Energy, is an urban cooperative started its operation, with the sole purpose of producing, storing, distributing and selling green energy to its members.

In the near future, it will be able to make the excess energy available to the network for a corresponding fee, on behalf of its members. The process to build the first photovoltaic parks is already at a fairly advanced stage, while studies are being made for the next ones.

This event will allow their members to use ecological and very cheap electricity in their homes, while playing a key role in making Chios a sustainable and environmentally friendly place to live. No changes are required to the way their home or business is connected to the network. Vrontados Energy manages the administrative procedures, so that the energy coming from its projects is properly distributed to their members, as well as the fair distribution of profits to all members, in the event that the energy produced (in the future) will be sold to the network .

In the case of the virtual netting that they apply today, each member has a virtual p/v, without it being in their place and it is not taken care of by them, but by the energy community.

Neurosynthesis designed and developed a user friendly website with modern look in order to present their profile and services. On their webpage the visitor can easily be informed about their Profile, Energy Communities, Cooperations, News and other important info.  Τhis website is built with a responsive web design, which makes it compatible with mobile devices and tablets.




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Digital Marketing

Release Date: June 2022

Client: Vrontados Energy Community (VEC)

Industry: Energy Production & Provision Community


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