Main Lagadousika


by NeuroSynthesis

The “Kydianta” cultural club was founded in 1997. Its name is due to the homonymous village which was deserted after the civil war and whose inhabitants settled in Lagada.

The club aims to revive the customs and preserve the tradition. Its goal is to organize events that promote culture in all its forms – arts, letters, sports, creating ecological consciousness, promoting values ​​such as peace, social justice, equality. There are workshops for artists, a department of choir, dance classes, theater, gymnastics, knitting, sewing, literature and many more activities. Kydianta also publishes the newspaper “Anemi”, it has a blood bank and organizes excursions and other entertainment activities.

This website has a clear and distraction-free environment to serve its purpose. Visitors,  from tourists to anyone interested in Lagada can easily find everything they need to know about folklore (customs, legends, songs, food, etc), events (festivals, actions) and any other tourist information required.

There’s also a separate section of their local newspaper where visitors can read online. This added so as to increase organic search visibility and thus website traffic and offer a better service to the visitors, who can subscribe to get first copies of their printed version. Τhis website is built with a responsive web design, which makes it compatible with mobile devices and tablets.




project management icon Management


Release Date: October 2018

Client: Lagadousika (Kydianta Cultural Club)

Industry: Cultural Tourism


Primary Colors







