Main Artemis Pet Food

Artemis Pet Food

by NeuroSynthesis

Artemis Pet Food is the brand name of a series of pet food and pet supplements.

The company Stamatis Papaleonidas cooperates with TROW ESPANA since 2003. The result of this cooperation was the birth of a new series of dog food with the brand name Artemis Pet Food. TROW ESPANA belongs to the SKRETTING group of companies and it is one of the biggest chains of pet food production in the world. It has its own breeding units for poultry, hogs, cattle and fish. Artemis Pet Food has dog food, pet food supplements and pet hygiene products.

We developed Artemis Pet Food e-shop in order to promote its products and give visitors the opportunity to order online its products in a quick and easy way. Through the website visitors can also be informed about the services offered by the company. The type of products offered are presented very clearly with the use of Flip Boxes which grab users’ attention and add some interaction to the content. There is an ‘’Ask the expert’’ contact form where the customers can choose the relevant subject (i.e. ask the vet, ask the dog trainer, ask a breeder, etc) and leave their message/questions and someone will get back to them. There is also an ‘Articles’ section with advises, breed information and scientific articles about pets. An integrated Facebook Messenger widget is visible which helps create a single experience for your customers and chat easily. This also helps to pick up a conversation with a user who chatted with you even if they left your site. Τhis website is built with a responsive web design, which makes it compatible with mobile devices and tablets.




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Digital Marketing

Release Date: March 2016

Client: Artemis Pet Food

Industry: Dog & Cat Nutritional and Dietary Supplements


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