Main Asepop Velventou

Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa (A.C.N)

by NeuroSynthesis

The Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa (A.C.N) is one of the first cooperatives in Greece.

The Cooperative numbers 1457 members-producers and trades over 25,000 tones of fresh fruit to the domestic and international markets each year. It is perhaps the only organization in the Greek market that can claim it fully controls the production procedure and the agricultural care on each of its members. The fruit that they produce are Naoussa’s peaches, cherries, nectarines, apples, plums, persimmons and kiwis.

A.C.N. website has sliders with images of high quality so as to offer a professional and fresh look. A multilingual site was created by using the WPML plugin which increases traffic, SEO, and make users happy. Additionally, a blog has been integrated with free recipes for the users. This helps to get organic traffic via search engines and articles can be used to get an extra edge on social media. Τhis website is built with a responsive web design, which makes it compatible with mobile devices and tablets.




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Release Date:  June 2018

Client: Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa (A.C.N)

Industry: Fruit Production & Agriculture


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