Main Parlaiz-vous Francais

Parlez-Vous Français

by NeuroSynthesis

Parlez-Vous Français is a Language School started operating in 2017 with the aim of teaching students the French language in a pleasant and creative way.

They provide them with all the necessary supplies to be able to communicate, express themselves and understand both written and spoken language. They train students in the correct use of French as a foreign language, but above all they provide them with all the necessary skills to be able to face any language and communication challenge they encounter. Main concern of teaching, is the acquisition of language skills in French as well as equally important they consider the familiarization of students with the elements of French culture (history, arts, modern way of life) thus expanding their horizons. Their courses include various ways of teaching (video, role-playing games, discussions, artistic activities, etc.) always adapted to the age and psychosynthesis of children. In addition to the classic French language classes, they offer courses for Adults, Professional French, Personalized Courses and French Courses for Panhellenic exams.

Neurosynthesis developed a modern, playful looking website with vibrant colours and design. This is a typical corporate web site where it presents school’s work. Visitors can learn about their various courses in detail so as to decide which one best suits them. This website is built with a responsive web design, which makes it compatible with mobile devices and tablets.




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Release Date: January 2022

Client: Parlez-vous français – Gialousi

Industry: Language School


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